Course Open - Winter Mats in Play

Become a Member

7 Day Members

Allows full membership privileges. Entitled to enter competitions. Age 35 and over.

6 Day Members

Play allowed Sunday to Friday. Allows full membership privileges. Entitled to enter competitions.

Second Club Members

To be eligible for this category of membership, the applicant must show proof of a full, playing membership, at another UK golf club. Handicap to be maintained by other club.  This offer is not open to previous members who have left the club during the last 12 months.

Low/ Modest Income

A ‘low and modest income’ member package is available to any person who feels they cannot afford full membership. Applicants must apply in writing to the Subscription Treasurer providing information and any supporting documents that will demonstrate they are unable to pay the full membership fee. All information will be treated in confidence. This category of membership provides the same benefits and responsibilities as a full member; however play is restricted to a Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, without exception.

Intermediate Members

Who shall be ordinary members under the age of 35, shall have all the privileges of ordinary membership but are entitled to a reduced subscription rate.

Social Playing Member

On payment of subscription shall receive 11 vouchers, 6 entitling them to a free round of golf and 5 entitling them to a reduced green fee rate of £15 per round. The system allows you to keep a handicap. Not entitled to enter club or open competitions.

Social Members

Have the privilege of using the clubhouse but not the course.

Junior Members

Juniors of either sex may be admitted as members of the club at reduced rates of subscription. Age on 15th February in each year shall determine the age group.

As a member of Kendal Golf Club you are entitled to:-

- An official World Handicapping System handicap and membership to England Golf.
- All full members will receive a County Card free of charge and this entitles you to play at all of the clubs in the Cumbria Union and many other clubs throughout the UK     for discounted rates.
- A well supported competition schedule for men, ladies, KEGGS and juniors. Many are sponsored by local companies or individuals.
- Represent the Club as an individual or part of a Club team.
- You can sign in guests to play at Kendal Golf club for just £20.00Reciprocal agreements with other clubs (See Below)Free room hire if booking a private function.10%     discount on all drinks purchases from bar. Active social calendar and excellent catering facility.
- Complimentary Social Membership for your spouse/partner, enabling them to use the clubhouse facility whenever they wish.
- Discount on your own membership fees should you introduce a new member during the year.
- Pay your membership in instalments (fee applies).Active junior, ladies and senior sections, offering matches against other clubs, social play and organized away days.     Our junior section is the largest, best organised and most competitive in the local area.
- Members are insured for public liability whilst playing the course through the Bluefin golf club policy. Read More…Club V1 Members Hub is available to download. It is     available across all formats and is free to download. The sign in is your email address and your howdidido password. It contains a huge amount of information on the     one site – fixture list/diary, results, your personal golf statistics! handicap details and certificate, course status, links to the BRS booking system and the club website.

Plus Reciprocal Agreements with other Clubs

We have arranged reciprocal agreements with other clubs, some of these are local and others are further afield.

Please book with each club in advance to take advantage of the above offers.

7 Day Membership
6 Day Membership
2nd Club Membership
Low/ Modest Income
Intermediate 18-21
Intermediate 22-25
Intermediate 26-35
Social Playing
Junior U14
Junior U16
Junior U18